Organization Name: Penn Ag Industries Association
Main Contact:  Christian Herr
Title:  Executive Vice President
Address:  2215 Forest Hills Drive, Suite 39, Harrisburg, PA 17112
Telephone: 717-651-5920
Fax:  717-651-5926
Email Address:
Web Address:
Number of Members: 650 businesses
Member Categories: Commercial grain, feed, fertilizer, pesticide, seed, manure haulers, poultry, swine and agriculture businesses.
Is Training/Programming Offered?:  Yes to members
National Affiliation:  American Egg Board, American Crop Protection Assoc.; The Fertilizer Institute; National Feed/Grain Assoc.; American Feed Industry Assoc.; National Chicken Council.
Purpose or Function:  To provide a full range of member services, including representation before the legislative and executive branches of state government, to Penn Ag’s member companies.
Mission Statement:  Working to create and maintain an effective, viable and competitive environment for Pennsylvania agribusinesses to grow and prosper.

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