Request for Proposals
Pennsylvania State Council of Farm Organizations

Executive Director/Association Management Firm

The Pennsylvania State Council of Farm Organizations (PSCFO) is currently seeking proposals for a part-time executive director or association management firm to manage the affairs of the association and monitor and report on legislative activity of interest to the Council. The contract for management services will commence upon the retirement of the current executive director January 1, 2021. Information about PSCFO can be found at

Scope of Services:

  • Association Management Services
    1. Professional staff support to the board and membership
    2. Respond to or referral correspondence to the Council
    3. Manage membership lists and data
    4. Administer and maintain the files of the Council
    5. Update the Council’s website and Facebook page
    6. Arrange for and staff all board and Council meetings
    7. Manage association finances
    8. Prepare monthly financial statements for the treasurer and board
    9. Develop and implement financial controls per procedures approved by the Board
    10. Represent the Council to the General Assembly and the Executive Branch as requested by the board
    11. Build coalitions among agriculture organizations, agricultural businesses, and other organizations to further the goals of the Council
    12. Coordinate and manage PSCFO’s quarterly board and Council delegates meetings in Harrisburg
    13. Coordinate and manage PSCFO’s annual Cornucopia event in the Capitol, including solicitation of sponsorships
    14. Handle media inquiries and press releases on behalf of the council
    15. Other tasks as mutually agree upon
  • Legislative and regulatory tracking and reporting
    1. Produce a monthly legislative and regulatory tracking report on issues affecting Pennsylvania agriculture
    2. Identify “hot” issues that may have the most immediate impact
    3. Draft position papers and letters from PSCFO on legislative and regulatory issues

Proposals will be accepted via email in PDF format no later than 5:00 PM Friday November 13, 2020.

Proposal must contain:

  • The proposer’s credentials and experience in doing similar work, especially related to the agricultural community
  • A statement outlining how the proposer’s credentials and experience would benefit PSCFO
  • At least three references who can speak to the proposer’s experience and success in the association management field
  • The monthly management fee for all services


Any questions must be submitted via email no later than 5:00 PM Friday November 6, 2020. All questions will be answered and posted on website as they are received so that all considering submitting a proposal may see the questions and answers.