Organization Name: Center for Dairy Excellence (CDE) |
Main Contact: John Frey |
Title: Executive Director |
Address: 2301 North Cameron St., Room 205 ; Harrisburg, PA 17110 |
Telephone: 717-346-0849 |
Fax: 717-705-2342 |
Email Address: jfrey@centerfordairyexcellence.org |
Web Address: www.centerfordairyexcellence.org |
Number of Members: Board of Directors – 9 The Center does not have members per se. The Center implements the work of the Dairy Task Force which has 100+ members appointed by the Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture. |
Is Training/Programming Offered?: Training/Educational Events are offered to the constituents of the Center…Producers & Allied Industries |
Purpose or Function: People. Partners. Resources. Profits. These four simple but important words in our logo represent the key dairy industry components addressed in The Center for Dairy Excellence mission. |
Mission Statement: Our mission is to empower people, create partnerships, and increase the availability and use of resources to grow dairy profitability in Pennsylvania and the Northeast. |