Organization Name: American Mushroom Institute |
Main Contact: Eugene Richard |
Title: |
Address: 195 Mud Run Rd., Oley, PA 19547 |
Telephone: 610-334-0594 |
Fax: 610-987-3085 |
Email Address: genedricha@aol.com |
Web Address: www.americanmushroom.org |
Number of Members: |
Member Categories: Grower, Associate, Professional & Retired |
Is Training/Programming Offered?: Pesticide training, OSHA, DOL etc. as needed |
National Affiliation: |
Purpose or Function:
- Increase the consumption of mushrooms
- Develop better and more economical methods of growing and marketing mushrooms
- Collect, analyze and disseminate the latest statistics and other valuable information.
- Represent the industry in its relations with various branches of government.
- Foster research beneficial to the industry.
- Aid members with any problems affecting the industry.