Organization Name: AgChoice Farm Credit |
Main Contact: Alexa Stoner |
Title: Marketing Manager |
Address: 900 Bent Creek Blvd., Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 |
Telephone: 717-796-9372 |
Fax: 717-796-9830 |
Email Address: astoner@agchoice.com |
Web Address: www.agchoice.com |
Number of Members: |
Member Categories: |
Is Training/Programming Offered?: |
Purpose or Function: AgChoice Farm Credit is a customer-owned business that serves stockholders through more than 140 employees. The Association manages a $1.4 billion loan portfolio of agriculture, forest products, lifestyle farms, and country residences. |
National Affiliation: The Farm Credit System |
Mission Statement: Create maximum value for our customer-owners. |