Latest Past Events

PSCFO Delegates Meeting – March 4, 2021

Zoom Meeting

AGENDA I. Call to Order and Roll Call – Gregg Robertson, President, PSCFO & Diane Bosak, Executive Director, PSCFO II. Introductions – All Participants III. Format for the annual meeting and participation guidelines – Gregg Robertson IV. Treasurer’s Report – Kurt Fuchs, Secretary-Treasurer, PSCFO V. Election of members and officers

PSCFO Council Meeting 11.23.20

Zoom Meeting

This will be a Zoom meeting. Login credentials will be sent closer to the meeting date. Meeting materials will be posted closer to the meeting date.

PSCFO Council Meeting 10.05.20

Zoom Meeting

Council Meeting Materials Council Agenda 10.05.20 Budget YTD Profit/Loss Statement Draft RFP for Association Management Services This is a Zoom meeting. Login credentials will be emailed to Council members before the meeting.