Agritourism Limited Liability

(formally endorsed 2018)

Broadband Access

(endorsed goal 2018 and 2019 but not on specific bill)

County Fair Funding

(Not as much of an issue now that there is guaranteed funding.; However, possible plans to change funding rules to disallow operating expenses strongly opposed although no vote)

Fair Dealer legislation

(formally endorsed since 2012-13 or before)

Farmland Preservation & Eminent Domain

(Orphan’s Court impediment signed into law)

High Tunnel Exemption from Local Jurisdiction

(Formally endorsed 2016-17 and 2017-18; (property taxes; flood water management program)

Landline Telephone Preservation

(formally endorsed 11/2017)

Limited Liability for Property Owners

(Endorsed 9/2017; HB 544 signed into law without section with plaintiff paying attorney/court costs if loses suit)

PDA Operating Budget

(ongoing advocacy and endorsement)

Penn State Extension & Research Funding

(ongoing advocacy and endorsement)

PASS Program Increased Funding

(PA Agricultural Surplus System endorsed 4/2017-19)

No Formal Position; Discussion at one or more meetings

Moving DEP Permitting into State Conservation Commission 11/2017; discussion generally critical

Fertilizer Bill- discussed several meetings; no position taken

Chesapeake Bay Pollution Clean-up Technology : no position taken; discussion generally critical

Delaware River Basin Commission Fracking Rule vs. PA Sovereignty under Act 13

DEP “Guidance” re required hearings for biosolids applications

2018 Farm Bill:  supportive of reliable Conservation and Crop Insurance funding

Supportive of bill removing roadside farmers’ stands from Uniform Construction Code (enacted)

Supportive of CAFO members added to regulatory nutrient board